Ooooh, check out that snazzy lookin' backpack up there!
Now that I do about two hours of train and foot travel every day, I need an easy way to cart my projects back and forth between my home and office. I tried something over the shoulder and more fashionable, but the aches weren't worth the approval of sleepy strangers on their morning commute. Thank goodness for my dorky high school backpack, a trusty Eastpack in my long-time favorite color.
See where I removed the Eastpack patch near the top? And the grime I've collected over 10 years? NICE.
I decided the plain bag needed to be updated and maybe say a little about myself. Less, "Look at that grown woman carrying a backpack! Where is she from that that kind of behavior is acceptable? Canada!?" and more, "Look at that crafty girl with her crafty backpack! I bet it's full of crafts and craft supplies. Iowans are neat. I want to be her friend."
The felt Iowa pin was bought at the Renegade Handmade store when good buddy Liz was in town for a day. I'm thankful for artist Abbey Christine for helping me express pride for my beloved Iowa.