Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

Did you get a chance to celebrate the new year just as you wanted? Whether or not you're a resolution type, January 1st makes for a wonderful opportunity to say good-bye to rough times and push the reset button. Or, in more optimistic cases, note the chance to maintain or improve upon a good year.

I had the fortune of spending my year transition in Iowa, with some of the most important people in my life. Sure, NYE in a big city is luxurious and exciting, but it is also expensive and a little lonely. My celebration in Iowa was my favorite New Year's Eve experience yet, full of loved ones, dancing, sequins, and a all-participated pajama party.

Resolutions aren't something I participate in, but I make a habit of creating motivating goals for myself at the onset of every cold season. This time around I hope to focus on building my creativity and MAKING MAKING MAKING, letting go of my homesickness and lapping up a social life while I'm here in Chicago, and hanging up my clean clothes.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures B! It was the best NYE yet- I had so much fun. I'm also trying to create motivating goals & hope to accomplish a lot in 2012.

