
Monday, March 14, 2011

Recycled Notebook Project, Pt 1

Do you have a notebook problem like I have a notebook problem?

First of all, I am unable to dispose of a notebook once I begin using it...or once I finish using it. I have a habit of skipping pages, leaving one or two or ten pages blank between used sheets. I'll even skip to the back, leaving the middle fresh. I'm left with piles of notebooks I cannot bring myself to recycle, with miscellaneous clean pages within.

I'm not ready to recycle the actual notebooks themselves (HOARDER!), but I know it's necessary to let those blank pages fulfill their destiny. One productive and motivated evening long ago, I went through the whole pile and ripped out the blank pages. Today, I finally make use of them!

Here is a sneak peek into the unfinished, super-DIY recycled notebook project. Using my limited (read: non-existent) book-binding skills, all of those loose-leaves have regained their purpose. Iowa map + acetate + mod podge + embroidery thread + lots of holes punched. The final project (success or failure!?) will be revealed when everything dries.
I set the custom timer on my camera for 10 photos and just move around while flash goes off. This is why I usually look so foolish. And yes, that's my bathroom.
Craftin' Outfit
Top: Aztec print, thrifted $.25
Earring: Single feather dangle, gift from Luxe Debris
Jeans: Clearance rack at Target, $5.00
Shoes: Not pictured, trashed work Keds, gift from the beau
Belt: Not pictured, pink belt from Thrift Mart, $.25
Approximate Total: $5.50
Top detail. Wonderful colors and print for a quarter.